Data Science Projects with Python is designed to give you practical guidance on industry-standard data analysis and machine learning tools in Python, with the help of realistic data. The book will help you understand how you can use pandas and Matplotlib to critically examine a dataset with summary statistics and graphs, and extract the insights you seek to derive. You will continue to build on your knowledge as you learn how to prepare data and feed it to machine learning algorithms, such as re
在数据探索方面,书中介绍了如何使用Python和pandas等工具对数据进行探索和分析。通过阅读这本书,读者可以学习到如何使用summary statistics和graphs来理解和总结数据,以及如何explore the financial history features in the dataset。
在数据清洗方面,书中详细讲解了如何处理数据中的missing values、outliers、duplicates等问题。读者可以学习到如何使用imputation strategies来填充缺失数据,如何使用univariate feature selection来选择有用的特征,以及如何使用cross validation来选择最佳的模型参数。
在机器学习方面,书中介绍了如何使用scikit-learn等工具来构建和评估binary classification模型。读者可以学习到如何