Creating Mobile Apps with Appcelerator Titanium provides a hands-on approach and working examples on creating apps and games as well as embedding them onto a social networking website. Developers can then move on from there to develop their own applications based on the ones they have developed throughout the course of this book. Creating Mobile Apps with Appcelerator Titanium is for developers who have experience with modern languages and development environments. Also, if you are familiar with
这是一本深入探索移动应用开发领域的经典著作。本书旨在帮助开发者利用Appcelerator Titanium这一强大的工具,构建出各种功能丰富、性能卓越的移动应用程序。本书通过详尽的实例和清晰的讲解,带领读者逐步掌握如何使用Titanium进行移动应用开发,包括UI结构设计、计时器应用程序开发、使用WebView组件、配置Android和iOS平台、使用Titanium Studio创建新项目、选择项目类型和路径、创建并配置Stock Portfolio项目、创建游戏世界、处理图形、精灵和动画、游戏服务器的行为理解与WebSocket的交互方式、根据位置坐标检索附近的照片、集成Titanium项目与ACS、使用地图视图、使用高级Geolocation功能、应用程序的界面由一个单窗口组成以及测试和调试应用程序等内容。