This book will kick-start your productivity and help you to master JBoss AS development. The author's experience with JBoss enables him to share insights on JBoss AS development in a clear and friendly way. By the end of the book, you will have the confidence to apply all the newest programming techniques to your JBoss applications.If you are a Java architect or developer who wants to get the most out of the latest release of the JBoss application server, then this book is for you. You are not e
这是一本专注于Java EE 6和JBoss AS 7开发的书籍。该书由经验丰富的作者撰写,旨在帮助读者快速掌握JBoss AS开发。通过阅读本书,读者可以深入了解Java EE 6的新特性,包括EJBs、Context Dependency Injection、Persistence with CDI等,并学习如何使用这些新特性来构建高效的企业级应用。
本书详细介绍了JBoss AS 7的新特性,包括管理方面的改进和底层设计的优化。管理方面的改进主要体现在Managed Domain和Management Command Line Interface (CLI) 的引入,使得管理过程更加简便。而底层设计的优化则主要得益于JBoss Modules和Modular Service Container (MSC) 的引入,这些新特性使得JBoss AS 7在性能和安全性方面有了显著提升。
本书还详细介绍了如何使用EJBs来构建企业级应用。EJBs是Java EE的核心组件之一,它提供了一种面向对象的方式来构建可扩展、可重用和可维护的企业级应用。本书详细介绍了无状态和状态ful EJB