This is an easy-to follow manual that will guide you through the entire process of application development with Shopify, beginning with the installation and configuration of your local development environment for your app to the deployment of the app to Heroku. If you are a web developer or a designer who wants to extend Shopify stores by building apps, then this book is for you. A basic understanding of programming concepts and some familiarity with Shopify is all that is required to get starte
这是一本全面介绍如何开发Shopify应用程序的实践指南。这本书首先介绍了Shopify平台的基本功能和特点,以及如何使用这些功能进行应用开发。然后,书中详细讲解了如何搭建开发环境,如何使用Ruby on Rails和Twitter Bootstrap构建应用程序,以及如何部署应用到Heroku。此外,书中还深入探讨了如何处理Webhook,以及如何添加免费和付费计划,并设置定期收费。最后,书中还提供了一些关于如何处理读者反馈的建议,以及如何利用专业知识提高反馈质量。