When developers document the architecture of their systems, they often invent their own specific ways of articulating structures, designs, concepts, and decisions. What they need is a template that enables simple and efficient software architecture documentation. arc42 by Example shows how it's done through several real-world examples.Each example in the book, whether it is a chess engine, a huge CRM system, or a cool web system, starts with a brief description of the problem domain and the
本书首先介绍了arc42的起源和初衷,它是由Peter Hruschka在需求工程中使用了VOLERE模板的经历所激发的。Peter意识到,如果有一个类似的软件架构模板,无数IT项目可以节省大量时间和金钱。因此,作者和Peter Hruschka决定创建一个实用的软件架构模板,这个模板应该简单、高效,适用于所有类型的利益相关者,并能促进软件架构文档的编写。
书中详细描述了arc42的应用和接受度,它被广泛应用于各种IT系统中,并且在全世界范围内的小、中、大型组织中得到了广泛的接受。arc42的创建者,包括Dr. Gernot Starke、Peter Hruschka、Michael Simons、Stefan Zörner和Ralf D. Müller等,都在数十个不同的IT系统中使用了arc42,并撰写了许多关于它的文章,教授了超过1,00