Each chapter will take you through a new major feature of iOS 5. You will learn how to integrate each feature into your applications. If you ever wanted to learn about the latest features of iOS 5 and learn how to incorporate Twitter, iCloud and Core Image framework effects functionality into your applications, then this book is for you. You should have a good knowledge of programming experience with Objective-C, and have used Xcode 4. iPhone programming experience is not required.
这是一本详细讲解iOS 5新功能,开发者新特性以及测试和调试工具的书籍。书中不仅涵盖了新特性,如通知中心、iMessage、Reminders、Newsstand和相机滤镜等,还深入讲解了开发者新特性,如Storyboarding、Autolayout、Block和GCD等。此外,书中还详细介绍了测试和调试工具,如Instruments和Xcode测试航等。
本书首先介绍了iOS 5新功能,包括通知中心、iMessage、Reminders、Newsstand和相机滤镜等。这些新功能为用户提供了更便捷的操作体验,同时也为开发者提供了新的应用开发方向。接着,书中深入讲解了开发者新特性,如Storyboarding、Autolayout、Block和GCD等。这些新特性可以简化应用程序的界面设计和开发过程,自动调整界面元素的布局以适应不同的屏幕尺寸和设备方向,为函数提供简洁的语法和更好的可读性,以及更高效地管理并发任务。