Eclipse MicroProfile has gained momentum in the industry as a multi-vendor, interoperable, community-driven specification. It is a major disruptor that allows organizations with large investments in enterprise Java to move to microservices without spending a lot on retraining their workforce.This book is based on MicroProfile 2.2, however, it will guide you in running your applications in MicroProfile 3.0. You'll start by understanding why microservices are important in the digital economy
这是一本专注于讲解Eclipse MicroProfile在企业Java微服务领域应用的实战指南。该书基于MicroProfile 2.2,但涵盖了即将发布的MicroProfile 3.0的关键特性,为开发者提供了全面而深入的指导。
书中还详细阐述了MicroProfile子项目,包括Config、Fault Tolerance、HealthCheck、JWT Propagation、Metrics和OpenTracing等,并介绍了如何使用MicroProfile Starter生成这些实现的示例代码。此外,书中还探讨了反应式编程在未来发展趋势,并详细介绍了健康检查端点的访问方式。