Python is a flexible language that can be used for much more than just script development. By knowing the Python RESTful APIs work, you can build a powerful backend for web applications and mobile applications using Python.You'll take your first steps by building a simple API and learning how the frontend web interface can communicate with the backend. You'll also learn how to serialize and deserialize objects using the marshmallow library. Then, you'll learn how to authenticate a
这是一本关于如何使用Python构建RESTful API的实战指南。书中详细讲解了HTTP请求方法和CRUD模型,以及如何使用JSON格式进行数据交换。此外,书中还深入探讨了HTTP状态码的概念和作用,以及如何使用SQLAlchemy操纵数据库。
书中详细介绍了如何使用Flask框架构建Web应用程序,并通过使用Flask-RESTful库,简化了RESTful API的构建过程。书中还讲解了如何使用marshmallow库进行对象序列化和反序列化,以及如何设计用户注册schema。