Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks. If you're a keen administrator who wishes to learn more about Windows Management Instrumentation and the use of Cmdlets, then this book is the perfect Starter guide for experienced professionals. This book combines an easy-to-learn approach with practical examples using the powerful Powershell 3.0 in Windows.This book is great for system administr
这是一本专注于Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 和Windows PowerShell 3.0的书籍,它结合了易学的教学方法和实用的示例,旨在帮助有经验的系统管理员快速掌握并使用PowerShell 3.0进行远程管理。
本书首先介绍了创建、验证和终止新的CIM会话,这是使用PowerShell 3.0进行远程管理的基本操作。接着,书中深入探讨了PowerShell面向对象编程,这是一种强大的编程方式,允许你使用类和实例来操作数据。
本书还详细介绍了本书的编辑团队,包括Acquisition Editor、Commissioning Editor、Technical Editor、Copy Editor、Project C