Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux contains various penetration testing methods using BackTrack that will be used by the reader. It contains clear step-by-step instructions with lot of screenshots. It is written in an easy to understand language which will further simplify the understanding for the user. Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux is ideal for anyone who is interested in learning how to become a penetration tester. It will also help the users who are new to Kali Linux and want
这是一本详细讲解如何使用Kali Linux进行Web渗透测试的实用指南。书中以清晰易懂的语言,配合丰富的实战案例和截图,向读者展示了Web渗透测试的全过程。无论你是初学者,还是有一定经验的渗透测试人员,都可以通过这本书找到适合自己的学习内容。
书中首先介绍了Kali Linux的下载、安装和配置过程,并详细讲解了Kali Linux的工具集和系统设置。接着,书中深入探讨了计算机系统侦察的定义和目的,以及如何通过网络侦察来获取目标系统的信息。此外,书中还详细介绍了如何使用SET工具进行社会工程攻击,以及如何利用SQL注入等漏洞进行攻击。