This book will give beginners an introduction to building voice-based applications on Android. It will begin by covering the basic concepts and will build up to creating a voice-based personal assistant. By the end of this book, you should be in a position to create your own voice-based applications on Android from scratch in next to no time.Voice Application Development for Android is for all those who are interested in speech technology and for those who, as owners of Android devices, are keen
这是一本专注于Android设备上的语音应用开发的权威指南。本书以语音识别技术和文本到语音合成技术为核心,详细介绍了如何构建具有语音交互功能的应用程序。书中涵盖了从基础概念到高级应用的各个方面,包括虚拟个人助理的设计与开发,以及如何使用Google Voice Actions和Pandorabots等工具创建智能机器人。
书中首先介绍了语音识别技术,解释了它是如何将人类语音转换为文本的,并详细介绍了谷歌语音识别API的使用方法。接着,书中深入探讨了文本到语音合成技术,解释了它是如何将文本转换为人类可听的语音的,并介绍了Google TTS API的使用方法。
此外,书中还讨论了多语言支持和多模态交互的重要性,并介绍了如何在Android应用中实现这些功能。书中还介绍了如何使用Google Voice Ac