Python is the ideal programming language for rapidly prototyping and developing production-grade codes for image processing and Computer Vision with its robust syntax and wealth of powerful libraries. This book will help you design and develop production-grade Computer Vision projects tackling real-world problems.With the help of this book, you will learn how to set up Anaconda and Python for the major OSes with cutting-edge third-party libraries for Computer Vision. You'll learn state-of-t
这是一本专注于通过OpenCV和Python 3进行计算机视觉项目开发的实践性书籍。这本书涵盖了从基本概念到高级技术的多个方面,包括图像处理、特征提取、目标检测、人脸识别、人体姿态估计、手写数字识别等。
这本书首先介绍了如何设置Anaconda环境,并安装Python 3和相关库,如OpenCV和TensorFlow。接着,它详细介绍了如何使用这些库进行图像标注、车牌识别、人体姿态估计、手写数字识别等计算机视觉任务。
书中还详细介绍了如何使用循环神经网络(RNNs) 和长短期记忆(LSTM) 进行序列数据处理,以及如何使用迁移学习进行图像分类。此外,书中还介绍了如何使用dlib库进行视频人脸识别,以及如何使用softmax函数进行手写数字分类。