Mastering Linux Network Administration is recommended for those who already understand the basics of using Linux and networking, and would like to push those skills to a higher level through real-world Linux networking scenarios. Whether you intend to run a home office consisting of Linux nodes or a rollout of a Linux network within your organization, this book is a great fit for those that desire to learn how to manage networked systems with the power of Linux.
这是一本为那些已经理解Linux和网络基本概念,并希望将这些技能提升到更高水平的人而编写的书籍。这本书涵盖了从基本到高级的Linux网络管理知识,包括网络设备命名、SSH工具在节点间通信的应用、安装和配置DHCP服务器、限制攻击面、实施QoS、了解CIDR表示法、分割网络为子网、日志的查看方式、选择合适的Linux发行版、使用scp传输文件、虚拟机在学习和测试中的应用、路由的基本概念和作用、设置NTP服务器、IP地址规划的重要性、Log rotation的重要性等内容。