Learning PowerCLI is written in a friendly and practical style with a focus on getting you started and automating daily tasks quickly and efficiently. If you manage or administrate a vSphere environment, and want to make that easier and more efficient, then this book is for you!This book is ideal for you if you want to learn how to automate your VMware vSphere infrastructure, by getting the most out of PowerCLI. It’s assumed that you have some experience in administrating a VMware vSphere enviro
这是一本针对VMware vSphere环境管理员的实战指南,它以PowerShell为核心,详细介绍了如何通过PowerCLI工具自动化VMware vSphere环境中的各种任务。这本书以实用和高效为原则,旨在帮助读者快速掌握PowerCLI的基本操作,并能够利用它来提高工作效率。
书中还详细介绍了如何使用PowerCLI来管理vCenter,包括如何管理角色和权限,如何管理许可证,以及如何配置警报。此外,书中还讲解了如何使用PowerCLI来管理存储,包括如何创建和管理NFS数据存储,如何使用vSphere Standard Switches和vSphere Distributed Switches等。
书中的内容涵盖了VMware vSphere环境管理的各个方面,包括虚拟机的创建、修改