This book provides a thorough look at the tools available within Redmine to facilitate the development of plugins and extensions. Full of tips and tricks, a recurring case study is also used to help guide you through the various content area extensions and plugin helpers and to provide context and realworld examples of the concepts being covered.This book is intended for those who want to build custom functionality into the Redmine project management platform. If you're already comfortable with
这是一本深入探讨Redmine插件开发和扩展的书籍。本书详细讲解了Redmine插件开发基础,包括插件开发的基本概念和流程,以及插件开发的主要步骤。同时,本书还详细介绍了插件开发技巧,包括使用Rake任务自动化插件开发流程,使用HTML、CSS和JavaScript等前端技术优化插件用户体验,以及使用REST API与Redmine进行交互等。
在Redmine Hooks分类与使用场景部分,本书深入讲解了Redmine中插件系统的重要组成部分——Hooks。Hooks是Redmine中用于自定义功能和扩展核心功能的一种机制。本书详细介绍了视图钩子、模型钩子、控制器钩子和邮件钩子的分类与使用场景,并提供了丰富的示例代码,帮助读者更好地理解和应用Hooks。