Refactoring improves your code without changing its behavior. With refactoring, the best approach is to apply small targeted changes to a codebase. Instead of doing a huge sweeping change to your code, refactoring is better as a long-term and continuous enterprise. Refactoring TypeScript explains how to spot bugs and remove them from your code.You’ll start by seeing how wordy conditionals, methods, and null checks make code unhealthy and unstable. Whether it is identifying messy nested condition
这是一本专注于TypeScript代码重构的实用指南。书中首先介绍了代码重构的定义和重要性,阐述了代码重构的目标是在提高代码健康度的同时,保持代码/软件的控制。为了实现这一目标,需要有测试(单元、集成等) 作为安全网,确保代码改变不会改变行为并引入bug。
书中详细讨论了改善代码质量的方法,包括如何识别和解决代码中的问题,以及如何使用设计模式作为解决特定代码问题的工具。例如,书中详细介绍了Null Checks Everywhere! ,Wordy Conditionals,Nested Conditionals,Primitive Overuse,Lengthy Method Signatures,Methods That Never End,Dumping Grounds,Messy Object Creation等章节,为读者提供了丰富的代码重构技巧和实例。